Friday, April 9, 2010

I did it!

While I'm waiting for my work out clothes to dry I'll scribe a brief love letter to my favorite iPhone app ever--FeltTips' C25K.

When you came into my life I was a sedentary 50 year old mouse potato commencing perimenopause with an obsession with visiting the iTunes App Store. You had good looks and our life together had potential. You inspired me to make a New Year's Resolution that I have thus far kept--a new record for me. You inspired me to be consistent, you inspired me to be active, and you inspired me to want to meet the challenge even on the days when I didn't want to. And nine weeks later (actually 10 since I managed to stretch one week into two in March) I am proud to say I completed the program without serious malice done to my being. And you have allowed me to justify a new pair of Athleta Dipper Pants.

Just because I have deleted you from my iPhone to make room for other Apps doesn't mean I won't always love you.

xoxo The slightly more fit Lucija

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