Friday, March 12, 2010

Where has the time gone? And yeah, I'm trying to run on a treadmill at age 50+

OK, I'm back after neglecting iPhone for the ADD Soul for the past year.

I'm back to say the iPhone has been perfect for my ADD soul preventing numerous parking tickets, helping with soapmaking projects (10 minutes to soap being cooked using the timer! Unmold soap on February 11 using the calendar!), keeping me inspired to get on a treadmill and keep up with my 2010 new year resolution with iFitness and Felttips' C25K. I've kept many appointments thanks to the iPhone. This is all good. I've even designed an iPhone app that desperately needs to be coded by a real engineer.

So why am I writing now? Well, I'm inspired to keep tabs on my fitness goals here on this blog being that my iPhone is a key component to my willingness and desire to get moving. Honestly, there is no way I would have truly decided to participate in C25K without the app I purchased, which is well-designed -and- fun to use, or without being able to listen to music (my current C25K music list -->, or without a reminder that pops up telling me to attend "kickboxing class @ 7pm). And there is a certain perverse joy I get from stretching and tweeting simultaneously (I'm @carouselno3 if you ish to follow).

Another thing happened today while working on my website: after being distracted by an Athleta e-mail I found their wonderful Chi Blog and got inspired by Anne Marie's Goals for the Week blog and all of her visitor's--many of whom seem to be in a discovery phase of running like me. Inspired by Anne Marie, I'm here to cheer up those in my age group (I am the same age as the "State" of Hawaii) whose idea of dangling one's foot over the edge is the sudden urge to pursue running--even if it is on a treadmill. We CAN do it ladies!

Before signing off on this post I have to give a shout out to the Gratitude Journal from Happy Tapper which I have consistently used since purchasing on March 20 last year. Waking up to hubby bringing coffee & the Gratitude Journal is a fab way to start of the day.

Happy Friday,


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