Friday, October 15, 2010

SUP, brah?

It's 10pm-ish, October 15, and keeping with the obsession with Stand Up Paddle Surfing that's been accelerating for the past two months I continue to read blogs, forums, and Athleta posts as I count down the hours before boarding a Kona-bound trip tomorrow morning.

Once upon a time, as a sun and ocean obsessed youth in the San Gabriel Valley, I had dreamt of surfing but had always had a decent fear and reverence for the strength of the ocean. And this was matched by a certain prowess for being uncoordinated. So I never surfed. Then in my very late 40s I decided a goal of taking a surfing lesson with Rabbit Kekai, in my 50th year which would also be Hawaii's 50th year, would be a dream come true.

Needlesst to say, while I did fulfill the dream of making it over to the 50th "state" (I still consider Hawaii occupied territory...) in my 50th year, but I never sought out Rabbit Kekai for a surf lesson and resisted a very strong urge to take a SUP Lesson in the little lagoon next to the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

So why now? A couple of things, first being that the only New Year resolution I've ever kept has me at my best health EVER, and secondly I've found some great training info on the Athleta Chi blog whiCh I started to incorporate into my gym visits. Lastly—it's about time for me to do It!

Taking a queue from Team in Training advice regarding visualizing the end result of a marathon I'm certain I've visualized myself atop a SUP in Kailua Bay for the past two months as I try to fall asleep. Only tongiht will be different since I'll be less than 48 hours and 2300+ miles closer to fulfilling my dream of standing atop a surf board. And I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now I've done it—or, do I REALLY need an iPad?

One thing I'll say is this—it's much easier to type on an iPad than on my iPhone but then again I won't be placing iFitness on my iPad. I'm find an interesting contrast between my home screens on both devices in that the iPhone functions as the little extension of my Brain that resides in my pocket. My little brain comes to the gym, helps to remind me when my metered car is running out of time using the built-in timer,is a handy little camera, allegedly keeps heed of my appointments and schedules, and serenades me when I need it too. My iPhone both a blessing and a curse, mostly a blessing.

So then what, aside from being an Apple gadget fangirl, drove my urgent need for the iPad? It will not likely accompany me to the gym, nor will it remind me to return to a metered parking space before the meter expires, but I can read the "Helmet for a Pillow" book and create a wireframe for an iPad app concept on my iPad. The productivity factor. And that's precisely what lead me to the Apple store in Santa Rosa last night. I too am chasing the rainbow of mobile and iPad app design and after a day of playing around with a few apps, in particular Drawing Pad, iBook, the Kindle app, and OmniGraffle, I'm appreciating the productivity aspect of it and want to be part of this new world.

Maybe I won't use JoggyCoach on the iPad but I can't wait to read Haruki Murakami's thoughts on running while lounging in in my Puerto Vallarta hotel room. I'll just need to stay away from OmniGraffle while on vacation...

One unexpected bonus is my niece and nephew all of a sudden find auntie to be "sick" :-)

Friday, May 14, 2010

When I grow up I want to be Harriet

I meant to post three weeks back when I completed my first 5K ever over here in my back yard on Southshore in Alameda. It was a small little event to raise funds for Alameda elementary school sports programs, the weather was gorgeous and it was time for me to take my C25K training to the task by running someplace other than on the treadmill at Mariner Square Athletic Club. Mind you, I have done 5Ks, 6 miles (Portland), Bay to Breakers, 10 milers (Big Sur), and even a marathon (Anchorage with TNT) but all as a walker with a *tiny* bit of running thrown in.

The truth is that I've never felt I had running in me until recently. I flirted with it, on a treadmill, a couple of years ago but gave it up as I started to work crazy insane hours. The other truth is that before I quit the gym to honor crazy insane hours I have to acknowledge that my time at the gym probably enabled the energy to work so much to begin with. Ah, live and learn.

My first 5K as a runner meant a lot to me and after meeting a couple of very nice women involved with the Mermaid Series Triathalons I had seriously considered the Mermaid Series Duathalon in September. Yes, I can run four miles and yes, I can definitely bike 11 miles, uphill even.

And this is where Harriet comes in. I watched her finish Kona Ironman this year and shed a tear of joy watching a 74 year old woman cross the finish line before the cut off time. (And trust me, having the patience to watch Ironman on a computer is also an endurance test ;-) Thanks to Athleta, the money pit that tends to swallow a few of my hard-earned bucks more often than not, for giving us young whipper snappers more insight into Harriet Anderson. Because now I have a counter to everyone that politely suggests I am too old to start jogging aspirations, and I now have a beautiful grey-haired babe to inspire me to keep going. I will definitely think of her as I walk up the 11% grade that is Hayes Street during Bay to Breakers on Sunday.

The conclusion of this post is that Harriet has inspired me to officially sign up for the Mermaid Series Duathalon event in Santa Cruz after all. Thank you thank you Harriet. And here's to my 72 year old mother for a speedy recovery after knee surgery... you can do it!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy keyboard—finally

Hooray. The rift between my iPhone keyboard and blogger seems to have resolved and for the time being I'll cease the desire to switch this blog to WP. For one thing no body reads this blog and there are more pressing tasks for me to address.

So, Blogger, my blog is safe with you for now.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Joggy Coach is my co-pilot

I did what almost any normal person would do after completing a C25K program using their iPhone, especially a person such as myself with an obsession with purchasing iPhone apps—I bought a new jogging app. And then I decided that it was a good idea to enter a 5K, too.

One of the problems with working as a User Interface Designer for a living is that I'm rather picky with typography and sadly there is an overabundance of jogging-related iPhone apps with bad typography which is why Joggy Coach managed to make the cut. I'm actually able to read the text and find the video game look of this app appealing and fun. Once I was able to figure how to use it (oh, a learning curve) the app couldn't be easier. It maps my route, informs me of pace and progress, lets me listen to my playlist, and keeps track of my outings. I like it!

It's still not my beloved FeltTip C25K but I'm pleased just the same.

But even more pleasing was actually running the 5K without having to slow for a walk or feeling like I would keel over after completing the run. Today's run was almost as rewarding as walking the Anchorage Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon with TNT in 2001, achievement-wise.

I can't wait to take Joggy Coach to Bay to Breakers on May 16. Woohoo!

Friday, April 9, 2010

I did it!

While I'm waiting for my work out clothes to dry I'll scribe a brief love letter to my favorite iPhone app ever--FeltTips' C25K.

When you came into my life I was a sedentary 50 year old mouse potato commencing perimenopause with an obsession with visiting the iTunes App Store. You had good looks and our life together had potential. You inspired me to make a New Year's Resolution that I have thus far kept--a new record for me. You inspired me to be consistent, you inspired me to be active, and you inspired me to want to meet the challenge even on the days when I didn't want to. And nine weeks later (actually 10 since I managed to stretch one week into two in March) I am proud to say I completed the program without serious malice done to my being. And you have allowed me to justify a new pair of Athleta Dipper Pants.

Just because I have deleted you from my iPhone to make room for other Apps doesn't mean I won't always love you.

xoxo The slightly more fit Lucija

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sweet! Or is that Sweat?!

Or both?

The answer is... both. Today marked my second 25 minute run this week and the end of C25K Week 6.

To be honest I had my trepidations about today's run since Friday's was a bit of a challenge but I convinced myself to shut up and do it. Enlisting the help of Mindwave 2, another one of my favorite apps, and it's "Pre-Excercise Session" to get me mentally prepared seemed to have made a positive difference. Ever since experiencing neurofeedback sessions to reduce dyslexic tendencies I've been a fan of a couple of apps that deliver binural and isochronic beats such as Mind Wave 1 & 2 and Tesla Software's Ambiscience (Brain Power and Pure Sleep). Mind Wave 2 has the nifty "Pre-Excercise Session" that I've used a few times now with confidence.

Since Week 7 of C25K is 3 days of 25 minute runs I'm looking forward to enlisting Mind Wave 2 each day.

And I have to give credit and love to Iron Man Kona goddess Chrissie Wellington who shoulders a big role in the creative visualization technique I use to keep me motivated on these runs. Nothing keeps me going like imagining Chrissie as my coach, running by my side and cheering me on, after she's finished the swim, bike, and most of the marathon portions of Iron Man :-) I'm further thrilled to discover she's sponsored by Brooks (forget Nike or Saucony or Asics shoes--I'm forever a Brooks gal).

Until the next dispatch...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Now I get it

Last night was week 6, day 2 of C25K—comprised of 5 minutes warm up, run 10, walk 3, run 10, 5 minutes cool down. That should have been easy, no? It wasn't. Or at least the last 10 minute run segment was more challenging than I had hoped and I ruminated as to why my attempts at treadmill runs seemed easier a couple of years ago. Surely my age can't make THAT much of a difference, right? Right?

Then it hit me—the old gal has an extra 13 pounds since quitting the gym 2 years ago which is almost like holding two 7 pound weights while working out. Ugh! No wonder why I feel out of breath and struggle to keep a modest pace of 5.0...

Week 7 of C25K is 3 days of 25 minutes of continuous running and now is a very wise time to commit to losing some weight. Running without two seven pound weights makes for a better experience.

25 minutes!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Where has the time gone? And yeah, I'm trying to run on a treadmill at age 50+

OK, I'm back after neglecting iPhone for the ADD Soul for the past year.

I'm back to say the iPhone has been perfect for my ADD soul preventing numerous parking tickets, helping with soapmaking projects (10 minutes to soap being cooked using the timer! Unmold soap on February 11 using the calendar!), keeping me inspired to get on a treadmill and keep up with my 2010 new year resolution with iFitness and Felttips' C25K. I've kept many appointments thanks to the iPhone. This is all good. I've even designed an iPhone app that desperately needs to be coded by a real engineer.

So why am I writing now? Well, I'm inspired to keep tabs on my fitness goals here on this blog being that my iPhone is a key component to my willingness and desire to get moving. Honestly, there is no way I would have truly decided to participate in C25K without the app I purchased, which is well-designed -and- fun to use, or without being able to listen to music (my current C25K music list -->, or without a reminder that pops up telling me to attend "kickboxing class @ 7pm). And there is a certain perverse joy I get from stretching and tweeting simultaneously (I'm @carouselno3 if you ish to follow).

Another thing happened today while working on my website: after being distracted by an Athleta e-mail I found their wonderful Chi Blog and got inspired by Anne Marie's Goals for the Week blog and all of her visitor's--many of whom seem to be in a discovery phase of running like me. Inspired by Anne Marie, I'm here to cheer up those in my age group (I am the same age as the "State" of Hawaii) whose idea of dangling one's foot over the edge is the sudden urge to pursue running--even if it is on a treadmill. We CAN do it ladies!

Before signing off on this post I have to give a shout out to the Gratitude Journal from Happy Tapper which I have consistently used since purchasing on March 20 last year. Waking up to hubby bringing coffee & the Gratitude Journal is a fab way to start of the day.

Happy Friday,
